The Ten Most Precious Mineral Ores


There are many types of ore. the trace elements and harmful impurities contained in it have a great impact on the price. and the gold. platinum. etc. that you usually see also belong to the ore category. So today let’s check the top ten most expensive ores in the world.


The Ten Most Precious Mineral Ores In The World:

1. blue diamond

2. beryllium magnesia

3. jade

4. Alexandrite

5. red beryl

6. Paparacha Sapphire

7. blue cone mine

8. black opal

9. Demantoid

10. Taffeta

  1. Blue diamond

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

   Detailed introduction: Blue diamond is not only expensive, but also very rare, and it is also the hardest substance in the world, and the color is also very special. Among them, the famous hope diamond and the heart of the sea are all made from it.

2. Beryllium magnesia

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

The Ten Most Precious Mineral Ores(图2)

  Detailed introduction: Beryldite is also called Tafite. This ore is mainly distributed in the southern part of Australia. The quantity is very least, so the price is relatively expensive, about 35,000 US dollars/carat.

3. Jade

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless


  Detailed introduction: Jade is a very representative type of jade in China. High-quality jade has a very good color. In ancient times, the Maya thought it was more precious than gold.

4. Alexandrite

Each of the ten most expensive minerals in the world is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

  Detailed introduction: Alexandrite is also called alexandrite. It is a rare type of ore. It has a translucent color and a unique color-changing effect. It is also of high value.

5. Red beryl

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

  Detailed introduction: Red beryl is mainly distributed in Utah, Italy, Pakistan and other regions of the United States, but the output is very small, has high wear resistance, and is especially worth collecting.

6. Paparacha sapphire

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

   Detailed introduction: The name of this ore is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "aquatic lotus". It is mainly produced in areas such as Tanzania and Sri Lanka. The color is very beautiful and the wrapping is relatively strong.

7, blue cone ore

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless


  Detailed introduction: The dispersion effect of blue cone ore is very high, and it is relatively rare. It will also have a fluorescence reaction after encountering sunlight. It is mainly produced in California.

8, black opal

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

  Detailed introduction: Black opal is a particularly precious ore, with rich colors and unique cracks, and it is extremely sensitive to temperature, so it must be handled carefully.

9. Demantoid

Each of the ten most expensive minerals in the world is priceless.

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

  Detailed introduction: Demantoid garnet is very shimmering in color, and India is also relatively high, which is a high-end gemstone, but due to its scarce quantity, its supply is also very low, so it is not common in the market.

10. Taffeta

The ten most expensive minerals in the world, each of them is priceless

世界十大最贵的矿石 每一个都是价值连城

  Detailed introduction: Taffy stone is mainly produced in Australia, Antarctica and Madagascar, but the quantity is very small. The color of this ore is named like a name, and it is particularly shiny and beautiful.